Data Insights are the make-or-break factor
In no other sector is the mantra ‘value for money’ a brutal reality as it is in Wholesale & Retail. Profitability is only achieved by making data-driven decisions based on thorough analysis and real-time insights. Not having a connected integrated platform or delaying moving towards is the only costly mistake, wholesalers and retailers cannot afford to make.
Digitize the rails your business and insights run on
Anything instant and anything connected around the supply chain is of vital importance. But how do you find the right technology that maps this mindset at a fair price and short notice? Thinkwise offers the perfect foundation with powerful possibilities for inventory management, integrated functionality for retail outlets, real-time reporting, and analysis for any informed and instant decision-making.
Create a seamless omnichannel experience, deploy customer insights in your business strategy, and build powerful connections to your supply chain and logistics partners.
Get our free whitepaper on how you permanently eliminate legacy from your IT landscape!
What our customers say:
“Standard software was not an option for us. We want to be as autonomous as possible in everything we produce. The Thinkwise Platform entered the picture as a means of developing a hybrid solution, with which we can combine the benefits of our Java development team with those of low-code development.”
Martijn van der Maas
IT Manager Omoda -
“Standard ERP packages do not provide the specialized functionality that we need at Aartsen. So the best option was to fully redevelop our own core application with the help of Thinkwise."
Mathijs Buzeijn
Project Leader FRESH Aartsen
Tried, tested, benchmarked
Travel industry – adapting the back office to eCommerce and online sales and end-to-end service delivery
Size | FP
lead time | month's
dev effort | hours
team | FTE
Market comparison: dev cost 5 times lower
& team size 4 times smaller with Thinkwise
& team size 4 times smaller with Thinkwise

Model your own
industry software
✓ Model comprehensive enterprise applications.
✓ Perfect fit with your business processes.
✓ Minimal technical knowledge required.