About Exact
Exact is the market leader in business software in the Benelux with a focus on medium and small businesses. Exact offers a broad portfolio of solutions to streamline financial processes. You keep control over your finances, whilst making the right strategic decisions for the future, based on real-time data.

Integration with all financial processes
If you opt for the flexibility of low-code to design your business processes, then we offer the possibility to completely integrate this system with all your financial processes via a standard supplied interface with Exact. The connection with the Exact accounting software provides financial information that is accessible in real-time from one platform.
The main advantages are as follows:
Seamless integration: You can easily manage the transport and the financial processes from one platform. It is no longer necessary to work in two separate applications.
International support: Together with Exact we support the legislation, languages, currency and international banking formats of more than 40 countries.
A proven connection: In recent years the connection between both platforms has been implemented several times at various shared customers, such as for example at Aartsen, international wholesaler in fruit and vegetables.
Simplify and automate your business processes with the proven solution from Thinkwise & Exact
Exact's smart financial software is an excellent addition to the Thinkwise Low-Code Platform. This unique combination enables companies to organize their core systems, such as their Transport Management System (TMS) or Warehouse Management System (WMS), with Thinkwise and then integrate this with the Exact financial software. This makes it possible for companies to automate their business processes from A to Z. For this reason, both parties have entered into a strategic partnership. Initially, Thinkwise and Exact are going to focus on organizations in the transport, logistics and retail sectors.