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CEO Pieter-Paul van Beek leaves Thinkwise after successful transformation

July 17, 2024, Apeldoorn. As of today CEO Pieter-Paul van Beek will be leaving Thinkwise. After his departure, the board will consist of Victor Klaren (CVO), Mariët Scholten (CFO) and Mark Knill (CCO).

This puts an end to Van Beek's involvement with Thinkwise for more than 3.5 years, of which the last 2.5 years as CEO. Over the past 2.5 years, under Van Beek’s direction the company went through a major transformation program from project to product company. This transformation has affected all facets of the company. From strategic positioning, focus on product management and open interaction with customers and partners up to organizational adjustments such as cultural and behavioral change.

Pieter-Paul Van Beek: "The transformation phase has now largely been completed and the company is in a stable execution phase. This enables me to leave Thinkwise with full peace of mind at this point in time. Team Thinkwise is in good shape and the route forward is clear."

Victor Klaren: "We are extremely grateful to Pieter-Paul for the excellent collaboration and the great impetus he has given to Thinkwise. We wish him all the best for the future."